Diam is a game created by Alain Couchot and Bernard Klein, published by Ferti Games in 2003.
The game is currently unpublished.

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Download the rules (english)

Download the rules (french)

- 1 octagonal or circular game board

- 16 pieces :

- 4 red pieces,

- 4 orange pieces,

- 4 black pieces,

- 4 brown pieces,

The material

How to play?

At the start, each player has a reserve of 8 pieces:

4 red and 4 orange pieces for player 1 ;

4 black and 4 brown pieces for player 2.

In turn, each player can :

- place a piece from his reserve on an empty square or on a piece already placed on the board,

- or move one of his pieces already on the board.

No square may contain more than 4 pieces.

Moving pawns:

Pieces are moved a single square, either left or right. The destination square may be empty or contain one or more stacked pieces.

If, on the start square, one or more checkers are above the checker to be moved, the player must move the entire stack of checkers from the chosen checker to the top.

If the arrival square already contains a piece or a stack of pieces, the piece or stack moved is placed on top of the stack on the arrival square.

The move is forbidden if the arrival square contains more than 4 pawns after the move.

The aim of the game is to place two of your pieces of the same color on two diametrically opposed squares on the same height level (except level 1).

This configuration is called a DIAM.

A player who achieves a DIAM wins the game.

Two DIAMs can be created during a move. In this case, the higher DIAM takes priority.


If a player can make a Diam, instead of making the Diam, he announces "Diam!" and allows his opponent to replay his move.

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red and green chess piece on brown wooden table
red and green chess piece on brown wooden table